AniLove Creations Add to Cart Teddy bear (English version) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: On my first birthday I was given a teddy bear. He came to be my most loved toy and companion all thr…
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Umeå mittens (English version) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: These two-color mittens where loops are created on the inside with each color change, a layer-upon-l…
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Umeåvantar (svenska/Swedish) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: Dessa vantar stickas i två färger, där det bildas öglor på insidan vanten…
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Spring socks (English version) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: What better thing is there, than a soft pair of knitted socks on a chilly spring evening? Easy cuff …
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Vårsockor (svensk version) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: Vad är väl bättre än ett par mjuka stickade strumpor en kylig vårkväl…
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Viking mittens Emmie (English version) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: The Viking Age is a period that is often a great source of inspiration for those who knit, with its …
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Vikingavantar Emmie (svensk version) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: Vikingatiden är en tidsperiod som ofta är en stor källa till inspiration för den…
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Sword socks Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: These socks are inspired by the vikings, both in cables and the sword motif. But fear not! They are …
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Knitted bra (English version) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: NB! PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PATTERN CURRENTLY ONLY GOES UPP TO SIZE XL! Size inclusivity is something …
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Stickad BH (svensk version) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: BS! OBSERVERA ATT DETTA MÖNSTER FÖR NU ENDAST GÅR UPP TILL STORLEK XL! Storleksinklu…
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Seersucker socks Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: An easy pattern for a sock with a lot of structure and personality. Beginner friendly! Sizes: 35/36,…
AniLove Creations Add to Cart Autumn Leaves (English version) Now: £7.50 MSRP: Was: When Autumn approaches and the air gets high and clear it also gets a bit nippy - and that is when i…